Skruben Blog
We have over a dozen character packed soaps to match just about any personality. Find out which soaps best match the founder of Seattle Sundries!
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Want to talk Soap? We're launching a new virtual video series where customers ask us questions about our soaps, other products, or anything regarding Seattle Sundries.
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Bitchin' Kitchen Soap has had a makeover! Our new label art is inspired by the many chefs, restaurants, and culinary schools that Seattle is proud to be home to, not to mention all of our fantastic farmer's markets and fishmongers! We...
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Julie was hooked on our soaps long before there was a Seattle Sundries!
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Ken confesses his loyalty to our soaps has been a committed love affair for many years. “I'm not usually a brand loyalist," he says. "But over the years, I've just realized, Seattle Sundries Soaps, as silly as it may sound, the way they lather and how the product performs is just so much better than anything else I've ever used."
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