Skruben Blog

Even in December, the Honey Bees are busy. Whenever there's enough sun warming the hive and the outside temperature isn't TOO frigid, they're off gathering whatever they can find. And they find a lot. Where are they finding all that...
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This is one busy bee! All the pollen we see on honey bees goes to feed their larvae. It's the nectar they collect mixed with bees' unique enzymes that becomes the nutrient-rich honey that feeds them during the winter months....
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When we go camping in the summer, we like to cook and eat well. For us, this means being sure that we have all of the spices and seasonings that we would be using if we were at home. Space...
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A continuation of The Saga... Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4: My husband spotted a NEW interloper in our rockery yesterday while he was gardening. This guy is even less attractive. And look how...
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A good friend of mine recently made a trip home to Boise to visit her family and had the opportunity to learn about some local honey beekeeping efforts. She's been talking about getting a hive for her yard here in...
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