Skruben Blog

Hey there creative folks! Let me share a quick story with you. We got to help set up a bulletin board to greet students for the new school year and recognize each person's potential. Taking inspiration from some cool mirror...
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I've had a few sets of sheets for far longer than I like to admit, but hated to just throw them out when there was so much “good” material left. After some sleuthing, I found an idea for un-paper towels...
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I have been worrying a lot about our re-entry to school and daily life, since there are still so many questions about how contagious and dangerous the COVID-19 virus is. In an attempt to stop wallowing in my worry, I got to work coming up with a pattern for a fully-enclosed fabric and clear plastic face shield.
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Since moving into our shop space a couple years ago, we have been able to offer classes for people interested in learning the steps to cold process (traditional) soapmaking. The space only allows for small groups, so it's a great...
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I have a great little reading nook in my classroom and decided that I needed to get serious this summer about organizing books for my students. I needed bookends to hold up the stacks, but also needed a place where I...
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